...A Collection of Everything of Interest to ME!...and hopefully you too

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Great Anti-Bush Pic

via YourDailyMedia

Star Wars Anti-Motivation

This is so fuckin awesome...

Nice pic

via A Welsh View

The Last 50 Years of the US Budget (pic)

Bush Lied to Us!!! (No Shit)...

...FOund an article that outlines exactly how Bush lied to us last night...it makes me so angry...fuck...read it here...I don't even feel like posting a picture...

"Obama takes on Fox News"

...apparently Barack Obama has been under a lot of scrutiny from the so-called "liberal" media...Fox News has been slandering him and HE'S NOT GONNA TAKE IT!!!! Read the article here

20 Greatest Guitar Solos EVER!!

A list of what some believe to be the best guitar solos ever...with video...link here

Scary Science!!

An article about some of the most daring and possibly catastrophic research happening around the world...read it here

Monday, January 22, 2007

More Star Wars Geekerphenalia

...found this on the great blog YesButNoButYes
...man there are some nerds out there...geez I like these movies but oh my god...see more pics here

On-Point Analysis of the Star Wars Universe

...I read this a couple of weeks ago and thought it was freakin awesome...but then again I'm a big fuckin nerd so......if you are too read this story by Keith Martin, it's great...trust me you'll love it...link

Aussie Man Booted From Flight for Anti-Bush T-Shirt

...this is so fuckin ridiculous...an airline booted this man off of the plane because his shirt "may offend people"...if you can't be offensive every now and again, what the hell is the point of living...also, this seems like a huge violation of this man's freedoms...a person should not be punished for voicing his opinion on a very heated debate...so Qantas airlines can suck my balls...read the whole story here...for more fascist behavior, the above pic was taken from a cnn.com story about a Michigan school that banned this type of free speech...killer sweet yo...read the story here

Heroes is Back on Tonight

...ok I usually don't get into TV shows like this, but Heroes on NBC is very good and will be back from the winter break tonight...check it out...also if you need catching up on the plot and the supplimental graphic novels check out this site

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Deepest Pool in the World

I actually saw this a few months back, but I thought it was cool so I'm posting it now...looks like some sort of training facility...pretty cool...see the rest of the pics here