...A Collection of Everything of Interest to ME!...and hopefully you too

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Awesome Gallery of Iceberg Pics

...via Spluch...some awesome picsview the rest of the gallery here

More Cool Pics...

Friday, January 19, 2007

Idle Hands...

...make crazy shit like this...it looks good(almost too good)...why? I dunno...good pic though...via Factum

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Colbert Vs. O'Reilly

....I'm so excited...."Papa Bear" Bill O'Reilly is gonna be on The Colbert Report tonight...I don't even know what to expect....someone is gonna get insulted...this is gonna be great
...I just hope this isn't as disappointing as that stupid guitar solo thing with the Decemberists...I was very bummed out by that...Colbert talked a lot of shit only to bring in Peter Frampton as back up...

Architectural Wonders

A cool slideshow showcasing some innovative architecture from the past year...included was Apple's new store in New York (below)...view the rest here

Awesome Pics From Russian PIlot

Via Dark Roasted Blend...rad pics taken by a Russian pilot...

...there are more here...

Best use of puns I've heard in a while....

Found this on Funny Emails...almost made me laugh out loud in a quiet room at work...almost

Mahatma Gandhi, as you know, walked barefoot most of the time, which produced an impressive set of calluses on his feet. He also ate very little, which made him rather frail and with his odd diet, he suffered from bad breath. This made him …(Oh, man, this is so bad, it’s good)… . A super calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Found this little gem on mental_floss...nice little flow chart about the 90's...

Got Coke?

I am in a supreme Bush-Bashing mood...don't fuck with me right now...I've wayyyy to much coffee today and I...JUST...MAY...SNAP!!! (but this pic lightened my mood a bit...)

Just like Mom used to make...

I hate this frigid bitch and everything she works for and represents...

Bushisms vs. Obamaisms...

The divide between the intelligence of these two men is staggeringly huge...it actually gives me vertigo, as if I am staring into a giant abyss...I can't wait for 2008...
from the site...

On the loss of US lives in Iraq

Obama: “When we send our young men and women into harm's way, we have a solemn obligation not to fudge the numbers or shade the truth about why they're going, to care for their families while they're gone, to tend to the soldiers upon their return, and to never ever go to war without enough troops to win the war, secure the peace, and earn the respect of the world.”

Bush: "Make no mistake about it, I understand how tough it is, sir. I talk to families who die."

Read the full article here...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Astronomy pics o' the day

Cat's Eye Nebula Cone Nebula
Eskimo Nebula
Not Sure
Horsehead and Flame Nebulas

Lies Your Mother Told You

From the same people who brought you the last excellent post (Neatorama and mental_floss) another great list of common misconceptions floating around various collective psyches...read it here

The 25 Most Important Questions in the History of the Universe

This is one of the first blog posts I ever read, and it really got me into this whole blog thing...I love knowledge you probably will never have to use, but what I love more is when that same knowledge actually comes in handy in one way or another...read the list here via Neatorama and mental_floss

Map of World Religions

A damn interesting map of where the dominant religions lie on the face of the globe...I was going to go on a long rant about religion and this and that, but I'm tired and it's late and I have to work in the morning and I don't necessarily feel like pissing anyone off right now...sooo...all religions are fine and life is good...but you caught me on a good day....via Neatorama

Coldest Water Slide Ever...

...Global Warming may make for some interesting water sports...read the story here
via Neatorama
...gimme a kayak and I'd barge it...

Top 15 Fountains in the World...

...I don't know who ranks these things, but they are pretty cool...the one below is in Dubai...Follow the link to more picture goodness

Apple Spoof: iProduct

I love Apple but I do think that the whole pop-culture gayness that surrounds it is a little, well, gay...funny spoof via flickr

Obama makes it Official: White House in 2008

Barack Obama is running for President! Finally someone who seems like he gives a shit about something besides campign contributions (I hope)...LInk to his website here

Monday, January 15, 2007

Awesome Weather pic

via A Welsh View

China tests "artificial sun" as a reliable energy source

Supposedly Chinese scientists have succesfully tested a fusion reactor that mimics the process of fusion inside of stars, creating a reliable, self-sustaining energy source...this is a short story and would love to hear more about it if any one knows anything...let me know...story here
Supposedly Chinese scientists have succesfully tested a fusion reactor that mimics the process of fusion inside of stars, creating a reliable, self-sustaining energy source...this is a short story and would love to hear more about it if any one knows anything...let me know...story here

Astronomy pics o' the day

I think every day I may just put up some beautiful pics for you all to see...most courtesy of Astronomy Picture of the Day
The Galactic Center from Spitzer Telescope...
Not Sure About This One...
The Amazing Trifid Nebula...

Everybody's Favorite, Orion...

And Another of Almighty Jupiter

Kids are such smart-asses

...been seeing this collection of pics floating around the net for awhile now, and I never get tired of looking at them...reminds of the kind of shit I'd try to pull in high school math class I see no problem with this one...

My favorite...

On a Roll...Intelligent Design Zoo

"I see the monkey Mommy! I really Do!"

For all you Intelligent Designers out there...

...get the bumper sticker here...

Pretty, Neat Pic

Citrusy Goodness...

Fucking Austria

I Wanna go there and steal a Fucking sign...just like everyone else has been doing from what I hear...
Click here for story via Digg and Snopes

Original Star Wars Trailer

God, this trailer makes the movie look absolutley awful...I'm surprised anyone went to see it at all, especially without the voice of the movie trailer guy...it's worth a look though...link
via A Welsh View

Crazy Tiny Ships in Bottles

...Found this on one of my favorite blogs, Neatorama. It's amazing how they get such detail on something so tiny...more here

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Jack Black in 1982 Atari commercial

classicly radical...click here for video

Sweet Illustrations

From the website of artist Will Murai...I really dig this guy's style...
From the website of artist Will Murai...I really dig this guy's style...click here for more

Astronomy Pics

The Andromeda Galaxy
California Nebula
Cone Nebula
Eagle Nebula
Orion's Belt